識閾 | 三浦かおり
[ exhibition ]
識閾 ( しきいき )
threshold of consciousness
In an era when conventional thinking is not always the right answer, problems that are bound to happen are everywhere. There is a threshold somewhere for the amount of time it takes for such things to be recognized as problems. Is it possible to somehow measure that?
There is no reference standard that can indicate the size, importance, or complexity of the problem that has crossed the boundary and surfaced. Even if we use some tool to measure, it does not necessarily mean that we can measure the correct value, nor does it mean that we can derive an answer based on that value. The answer that we have found may turn out to be either good or bad, depending on the time and circumstances.
Boundaries are a matter of convenience for people who want to distinguish something from something else, and if it is inconvenient, it tends to be blurred, and problems near the boundaries are often postponed even if they are recognized, and a continuum is established from the past to the present. What appears to be an uneventful equilibrium is somehow managed and adjusted.
Now, can we find the planned point of balance or not?
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
[ artist ]
三浦かおり / Kaori Miura
2005年、京都造形芸術大学 情報デザインコース卒業(現 京都芸術大学)。
– solo exhibition
2024 識閾 obi gallery / 神奈川
2022 ならされたところの凸凹 Gallery Camellia / 東京
2021 しつこい幻 Gallery Hasu no hana / 東京
2017 フツフツのそれが消えるまで Gallery Hasu no hana / 東京
2016 白い堆積 Gallery Camellia / 東京
2016 いしきのそとのダンペン HAGISO / 東京
2015 unknown time Gallery Camellia / 東京
2013 記憶の果て Gallery Hasu no hana / 東京
– group exhibition
2023 宇宙時間代官山TSUTAYA Anjin Cafe / 東京
2023 超えられない循環 obi gallery / 神奈川
2022 EARTH+GALLERY10周年記念展「10th-COEXIST 共存のかたち。」 EARTH+Gallery / 東京
2021 つくばアートサイクルプロジェクト アントロポセン−分岐点を超えた景色−2021-2022 / 茨城
2021 食と現代美術vol.8「アートと食と街」 BankART Station+KAIKO / 神奈川
2021 似て非WORKS 10th Anniversary Exhibition「ゆたかなイばしょ」/ 神奈川
2020 つくば北条アートプロジェクト「矢中の杜展覧会」/ 茨城
2019 心ある機械たち againBankART Station+SILK / 神奈川
2016 Japan im Palazzo Kunsthalle Palazzo Liestal / スイス
2016 いわきまちなかアートフェスティバル玄玄天 / 福島
2013 中之条ビエンナーレ / 群馬